Title: This Is Not Goodbye Artist: nachte Rating: G Characters/pairings: Arthur/Merlin Notes: Coda for S5E13. In which I've never drawn as fast in my life as I did for this extended page. Ugh, feelings.
Title: Morning Call Artist: nachte Rating: PG-13 (for Merlin's perky bum) Characters/pairings: Arthur/Merlin Page Count: 1 Notes: For the kinkme_merlin prompt here: Arthur comes home to (or walks in on/wakes up to) Merlin in nothing but underwear and one of his (Arthur’s) blazers.
Title: Two Sides of the Same Coin. Artist: mushroomtale Rating: G Characters/relationships: Merlin, Arthur Content notes: Based on Two Sides of the Same Coin, a drabble written by princessmelia.